Hong Kong Committee on Children's Rights

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Convention on the Rights of the Child
Some important facts and dates | The preamble & Articles 1-10 | Articles 11-20
Articles 21-30 | Articles 31-41 | Articles 42-54 | Ratification

Articles 42-54

The provisions of articles 42-54 notably foresee:

1. The State's obligation to make the rights contained in this Convention widely known to both adults and children.

2. The setting up of a Committee on the Rights of the child composed of *10 experts, which will consider reports that States Parties to the Convention are to submit two years after ratification and every five years thereafter. The Convention enters into force - and the Committee would therefore be set up - once 20 countries have ratified it.
* From November 2002, the Committee on the Rights of the Child is composed of 18 experts.

3. States Parties are to make their reports widely available to the general public.

4. The Committee may propose that special studies be undertaken on specific issues relating to the rights of the child, and may make its evaluations known to each State Party concerned as well as to the UN General Assembly.

5. In order to "foster the effect implementation of the Convention and to encourage international cooperation", the specialized agencies of the UN (such as the ILO, WHO and UNESCO) and UNICEF would be able to attend the meetings of the Committee. Together with any other body recognized as "competent", including NGOs in consultative status with the UN and UN organs such as the UNHCR, they can submit pertinent information to the Committee and be asked to advise on the optimal implementation of the Convention.