Hong Kong Committee on Children's Rights

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Convention on the Rights of the Child
Some important facts and dates | The preamble & Articles 1-10 | Articles 11-20
Articles 21-30 | Articles 31-41 | Articles 42-54 | Ratification


When a Government ratifies the CRC, it is agreeing:

1. to be bound by international law to the achievement of certain basic standards for children.

2. to provide a legal framework in which to achieve those standards. This means passing 'enabling' legislation so that the laws of the country reflect the spirit of the CRC.

3. to set specific time-bound objectives for the implementation of children's rights taking into account what is feasible.

For more details about the Convention on the Rights of the Child, you are encouraged to visit the websites of International Save the Children Alliance , Unicef and CRIN Child Rights Information Network.