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Convention on the Rights of the Child
Some important facts and dates | The preamble & Articles 1-10 | Articles 11-20
Articles 21-30 | Articles 31-41 | Articles 42-54 | Ratification

The preamble

Recalls the basic principles of the United Nations and specific prevision to certain relevant human rights treaties and proclamations; reaffirms the fact that children, because of their vulnerability, need special care and protection; and places special emphasis on the primary caring and protective responsibility of the family, the need for legal and other protection of the child's before and after birth, the importance of respect for the culture values of the child's community, and the vital of international cooperation in achieving the realization of children's rights.

Articles 1-10

1. Definition of a child
All persons under the age of 18.

2. Non-discrimination
The principle that all rights apply to all children without exception, and the State's obligation to protect children from any form of discrimination. The State must not violate any right, and must take positive action to promote them all.

3. Best interest of the child
All actions concerning the child should take full account of his or her best interests. The State is to provide adequate care when parents or others responsible fail to do so.

4. Implementation of rights
The State's obligation to translate the rights in the Convention into reality.

5. Parental guidance and the child's evolving capacities
The State's duty to respect the rights and responsibility of parents and the wider family to provide guidance appropriate to the child's evolving capacities.

6. Survival and development
The inherent right to life, and the State's obligation to ensure the child's survival and development.

7. Name and nationality
The right to have a name from birth and to be granted a nationality.

8. Preservation of identity
The State's obligation to protect and, if necessary, re-establish the basic aspects of a child's identity (name, nationally and family ties).

9. Separation from parents
The child's right to live with his/ her parents unless this is deemed incompatible with his/ her best interests; the right to maintain contact with both parents if separated from one or both; the duties of States in cases where such separation results from State action.

10. Family reunification
The right of children and their parents to leave any country and to enter their own in order to be reunited or to maintain the child-parent relationship.